New Year’s Resolution Ideas For 2021

“You can’t expect change overnight but with consistency you shall get there! “

New Year’s Resolution Ideas For 2021

2021 is almost amongst us and we need to set ourselves some goals. It’s always a hard one when it actually coms down to choosing your achievable goal for the year,  you may always end up using the same ones every year because it’s easier to not think about it too hard. This week we’ve got some suggestions for you so have a read and find your perfect resolutions for 2021.

Drink enough water
This may be a very common resolution but, that doesn’t make it an unimportant one! We could all use a little more water in our lives so why not try keeping track of your water intake with an app, journal or a marked water bottle.
Make plans to take a mini adventure
Due to this years pandemic there’s uncertainty about the future. So setting a goal for big travel plans is still a bit far fetched at this point. Try planning a mini adventure, you might take a camping trip, visit a town you haven’t yet, or explore some National Parks.
Pick a time to wake up & stick to it!
Our beds have become our bestfriend this year so this shall definitely be a tough one. But in the long run, waking up at the same time will help you improve your sleep quality which in turn, is great for your health.
Live simply, consume less
Now we’re not saying strip down to bare minimum, but try to be a little more conscious of your spending decisions. You’ll end up saving money for the more important things you want and need.
Remember your goals and the big picture
It’d be a shame if all the New Year’s resolution planning you did went to waste. So grab yourself a pen and write them down somewhere where you’ll remember to do them. Try sticky notes around your mirror as a reminder every morning.
Ditch one bad habit
Nail-biting, smoking, eating out of boredom, not flossing regularly, pick one bad habit that’s dragging you down and work on eliminating it from your life. You can’t expect change overnight but with consistency you shall get there!
Take a 24-hour break from social media every month
We all know it’s good for us, so we just have to force ourselves to do it. Use the social media break to try something new,  go out and do something, learn a new language, be your better self.
Make a new friend
After a long year of quarantining, we’re all craving more social interaction. See if you can branch out, meet someone new, and form a long lasting connection. Try different apps or if your brave enough, social media can be a big help so get to messaging.
Do a little act of kindness weekly
A little kindness goes a long way so try some small acts of kindness. Pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru, pick up a piece of trash on the ground, the choice is yours! What makes this that little bit more special is it will also make you feel that little bit more happier.
Keep a jar of things you are grateful for during the year
Let’s finish on a cute note. Spend your year filling a jar with all the great things that happen. It will be nice to pull out your jar at the end of the year and reflect on all the good times. Everyone loves a throwback right!

Got any New Year’s Resolution ideas yourself? Tell us all about them in the comments below!

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