Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Swap

“peanut butter to your smoothies helps provide healthy fats and protein”

Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Swap

In many peoples cases, heading back to work is on the cards which means early mornings. Breakfast smoothies are an easy and perfect way for you if you’re super busy and just want to get out the house. Drinking a smoothie for breakfast can give you a burst of energy and helps you to start your day on a healthy note. Here are 5 healthy breakfast smoothies for you to create.

Healthy Smoothie Ingredients

Fresh or Frozen Fruit – You can use a combination of both frozen and fresh fruits in your smoothies. Using frozen helps to create a thick and creamy type of smoothie. You can also freeze any fresh fruit if it’s what you’d prefer.

Vegetable – Vegetables contain tons of nutrients so adding them to your smoothies adds to starting your day on that healthy note. Spinach, kale and other greens are some of the popular ingredients used in smoothies but if you fancy yourself something a little sweeter, try adding some carrots.

Avocado – Avocado smoothies may sound a little strange but they do have a purpose. Avocado adds those healthy fats to your smoothie but if you’re not such a fan, not to worry, avocado blends up very smoothly and using the right amount will cancel out any avocado taste.

Oatmeal – Adding oats to your morning smoothie turns it into your breakfast smoothie. You can use raw oats and just add them to your blender with any other preferred ingredients and blend until smooth.

Greek Yogurt – Greek yogurt is a great source of protein and it also helps make your smoothie that little bit creamier.

Nut Butters – Adding a scoop of almond butter or peanut butter to your smoothies helps provide healthy fats and protein, you’ll be filled up and energised.

Seeds – Flax seeds, chia seeds and hemp seeds can all add fibre and nutrition to your smoothies.

Liquid – In order to help blend your smoothie well you should use some sort of liquid. There are many options out there so experiment and find what is right for you. Many popular liquids used include plain water, coconut water, milk, almond milk, coconut milk, oat milk and juice. Juice does contain a fair amount of sugar so it is down to how much sugar/sweetness you choose to consume.

Flavour Boosters – Try adding a pinch of cinnamon or some drops of vanilla extract, it helps give that extra flavour.

Oatmeal Breakfast Smoothie (1 Servings) – Blend all in a blender until smooth

¼ cup of oats uncooked
½ medium banana
½ cup plain Greek yogurt
¾ cup frozen mango
¾ cup frozen strawberries or ½ cup frozen blueberries
¾ cup milk of choice

Green Breakfast Smoothie (3 Servings) – Blend all in a blender until smooth

1 banana frozen
1 cup frozen pineapple chunks
1 pear cored and sliced
1 orange peeled and chopped
3 cups loosely packed baby spinach leaves
2 tablespoons ground flaxseed (optional)
1 cup cold water

Fruit Breakfast Smoothie (1 Servings) – Blend all in a blender until smooth

1 cup frozen unsweetened raspberries
¾ cup chopped fresh peach
¼ cup plain yogurt I use plain Greek yogurt
1/3 cup milk of choice
1 teaspoon honey

Banana Breakfast Smoothie (1 Serving) – Blend all in a blender until smooth

¾ cup ice cubes
1 medium banana peeled, cut into chunks and frozen
¾ cup Greek yogurt
½ cup milk of choice
2 tablespoons peanut butter

Have any tips for us? Let us know in the comments.

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